My hope is that I can share insight and ideas with areas that your are interested in. I ask for nothing in return but to consider me as a possible business partner in your future ventures.
Buying your first successful investment property 1200 miles away, unseen.
Why Sertraline (Zoloft) is the preferred SSRI antidepressant for elderly adults
Hormone Therapy for MFTs
The endless history of Pharmacies in San Jose.
Compounding Intravenous Banana Bags for yourself after a nasty hangover.
How to deal with your tenant flooding the entire building and preserving your business.
How to deal with a drug overdose, like someone ingesting 30 tablets of Wellbutrin.
Treatment Modalities in Schizophrenia
Underwriting real estate investment models on excel
Understanding Provider Harassment and what to do about it
Entrepreneurial Mobility in Healthcare Ventures
Why Bitcoin has more property rights than anything else.
Dealing with your tenant burning down your investment property
Qualities to discern for hiring Health Care Providers and Technicians
Understanding which medications work best for YOU.
How to not get fucked over on drug pricing (Pharmacy Owner or Consumer)
Starting your own Pharmacy venture with little to no capital.
Where the money is at, in Pharmacy.
The best way to Acquire or Dispose a Healthcare Business
Achieving Pharma customers (Individual Customers, Small Enterprises, Large Enterprises)
Reducing your Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and fixed expenses
Outsourcing your tedious data entry and Pharmacy claim submission to competent staff overseas
How similar a Marijuana Dispensary is to a Licensed Pharmacy
Compounding custom prescription suppositories for an Elephant
How to confidently and accurately dispense 1000 prescriptions in six hours (yes you read that right)
Acquiring automatic Robotic Dispensing Machines (Pharma) for the best price and lowest maintenance cost
Medicaid, Medicare, 3rd Party, Commercial Claim Submissions (Medical and Pharma)
How to get your medications paid for, if you do not have money.
Discerning Talent in Healthcare
Creating a payment collection cycle and getting the terms
Conducting Due-Diligence in anything Business or Real Estate.
Drug Rate Negotiations
Getting access to limited distribution and specialty medications, not normally accessible
Why you should wear gloves when you're vaping nicotine.
Smoking Cessation and how it affects Psychiatric Medications
The economy of Street and Designer Drugs
Creating your own Mental Health Pilot Program and having someone pay for it
Establishing your own Pharmacy Benefits Management Network
What are PATCHES and why do they pay $10,000 per month?
Dealing with a zillion legal matters as a Business Owner
Going about Product Liability exposure and reducing it.
Mental Health Resources for the busy Entrepreneur
Where the best bagels are in San Jose
How to get around refilling printers with annoying proprietary ink cartridges.
Why buying a pallet of printer paper is not a good idea
or anything in-between